
Published On: October 4, 2022 (Last updated on: October 17, 2022)
273 words · 2 min

Personal Project: My HomeLab and My Cluster

These articles are inside my projects: My Disbributed HomeLab and My HA K3s cluster

  1. Homelab: My Devices
  2. Homelab: My Distributed Homelab
  3. Homelab: My Network setup
  4. Homelab: Don’t Let the Docker escape from the ufw’s control
  5. Homelab: How to build a AIO home-server
  6. Homelab: My Distributed Homelab (2)
  7. Homelab: A self-hosted GitHub Accelerator
  8. Homelab: Authentikc - An alternative of self-hosted SSO Module that you might need
  9. K3s/Kubernetes: A quick setup for single machine
  10. K3s/Kubernetes: A quick setup for HA
  11. K3s/Kubernetes: A self-hosted registry
  12. K3s/Kubernetes: How GitOps works - Coming soon
  13. K3s/Kubernetes: From K3s to Kubernetes: Set up a Kubernetes in a nutshell
  14. K3s/Kubernetes: Build a High availability Kubernetes Cluster with Kubeadm

Personal Project: Personal Experimental Network: L-Net

These articles are inside my projects: Build a Experimental Network with your VPS

  1. L-Net: My Experimental Network V1.0 - BGP and OSPF
  2. L-Net: My Experimental Network v1.1 - eBGP and iBGP
  3. L-Net: My Experimental Netwrok v1.2 - VXLAN over Wireguard

Machine Learning/Deep Learning with Us (/post/scientia/machine-learning/)

These articles are documenting my learning notes and the code reproductions(if I have the time or capbability) in mainly these fields:

  1. Natural Language Processing: Information Extarction and Retireval
  2. Computer Vision: Object Detection, Segmentation and Synthesis
  3. Optimal Transport and Generative Models
  4. Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory

CHECK OUT /post/machine-learning

Foundation of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (MAYBE COMING SOON)

Mathematics and CS-related knowledge and technique are vitually important for someone who want to dive deeper in Machine Learning and other related Subjects, thus, I would like to build up a knowledge base in both math and cs and programing implementation with mainly R and Python.